
Castello di Acquafredda

Recommandé par 7 habitants
Km35 Strada Statale 293 di Giba
Siliqua, Sardegna

Conseils des habitants

July 27, 2020
On top of a hill of vulcanic origin, in the valley of Cixerri, in the southwestern part of Sardinia, stands an enchanting castle, which has always been a place of mysterious legends. From sunrise to sunset, you can see its shadows growing longer across the valley. It rises up out of the Mediterranean scrub and it has three levels that blend harmoniously with the sloping ground. You will enter at a height of 150 metres through a door that was once defended by three towers joined together by a boundary wall. The central one still survives and has recently been renovated. Inside the defensive line, there was the village with dwellings, warehouses, stables, cisterns and mills. Halfway up, at about 200 metres, stands the formidable cistern tower, which provided a huge supply of water: not surprisingly, the name Acquafredda comes from a spring that flows from the rocks on the hillside. In the highest part (250 metres) stand the impressive walls of the fortified tower, the dwelling of the castellan, accessible via a drawbridge. In cima a un colle di origine vulcanica, in mezzo alla valle del Cixerri, nella parte sud-occidentale della Sardegna, sorge un affascinante castello, da sempre luogo di misteriose leggende. All’alba e al tramonto, vedrai le sue ombre allungarsi sulla vallata. Svetta fra la macchia mediterranea e si articola su tre livelli armonici con l’andamento del pendio. Entrerai a quota 150 metri attraverso una porta un tempo difesa da tre torri raccordate da una cinta muraria. Sopravvive quella centrale, di recente ristrutturata. All’interno della linea difensiva, si trovava il borgo con alloggi, magazzini, stalle, cisterne e mulini. A mezza costa, circa 200 metri, svetta la poderosa torre cisterna, che consentiva un’ingente scorta d’acqua: il nome Acquafredda, non a caso, deriva da una sorgente che sgorga dalle rocce del colle. Nella parte più alta (250 metri) si elevano le imponenti mura del mastio, abitazione del castellano, accessibile da un ponte levatoio.
On top of a hill of vulcanic origin, in the valley of Cixerri, in the southwestern part of Sardinia, stands an enchanting castle, which has always been a place of mysterious legends. From sunrise to sunset, you can see its shadows growing longer across the valley. It rises up out of the Mediterranea…

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