
Fayerweather Island Light

Recommandé par 3 habitants,

Conseils des habitants

June 21, 2021
If you're into a day of walking, head over to the lighthouse! The jetty is pretty easy to navigate. The island has some cool old school graffiti rock carvings. You can also climb down at the end and get right to the lighthouse. Amazing views around.
June 21, 2021
If you're into a day of walking, head over to the lighthouse! The jetty is pretty easy to navigate. The island has some cool old school graffiti rock carvings. You can also climb down at the end and get right to the lighthouse. Amazing views around.

Fayerweather Island Light à travers des expériences Airbnb

Découvrez ce monument emblématique grâce aux expériences Airbnb, des activités en petit groupe animées par des habitants.
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